Джон Кери, трима комисари, министри и кметове от ЦИЕ на GREEN TRANSITION FORUM 4.0

Джон Кери, трима комисари, министри и кметове от ЦИЕ на GREEN TRANSITION FORUM 4.0

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24.06.2024 11:21 46 | Прочетена (819)

За четвърта поредна година Dir.bg и 3Е News организират най-успешния форум за зелена трансформация – „Green Transition Forum 4.0 – Новите перспективи пред Централна и Източна Европа”, който ще се проведе в София на 26-28 юни 2024 г., в София Ивент Център, Мол "Парадайс", ет. 3.

Веднага след изборите за Европейски парламент, за събитието в София пристигат еврокомисари, шестима генерални и заместник-генерални директори на Генерални дирекции в ЕК, новоизбрани членове на ЕП, министри и кметове от страните от Централна и Източна Европа, представители на международни и мултинационални компании.

В ключов момент за формулирането на европейските политики, в разговора за бъдещето на Зелената сделка и случващите се трансформации – зелена, дигитална и демографска, ще участват изпълнителният вицепрезидент на ЕК и комисар за Европейския зелен пакт г-н Марош Шефчович, комисарят по работни места и социални права г-н Никола Шмит и комисарят по иновации, научни изследвания, култура, образование и младеж г-жа Илияна Иванова.

За да сподели визията за глобалните климатични процеси отвъд океана в Green Transition Forum 4.0 ще се включи и Джон Кери – специален пратеник за климата на президента на САЩ и бивш държавен секретар.

Четвъртото издание на форума ще послужи и като платформа за обща позиция на страните от региона за предстоящия световен форум в Баку през есента. За да представи приоритетите на домакините, в София пристига г-н Ялчин Рафиевосновен преговарящ за COP 29 и заместник-министър на външните работи на Азербайджан.

Във важния панел за енергийната трансформация към българския министър на енергетиката Владимир Малинов ще се присъединят и неговите колеги от Румъния – Себастиан – Йоан Бурдуя и Молдова – Виктор Парликов.

Сред потвърдилите панелисти са още и вицепрезидентът на ЕИБ Кириакус Какурис, заместник изпълнителният директор на ЕИФ Роджър Хавенит, посланикът на президента на Полша и специален пратеник на инициативата „Три морета“ Беата Дашинска, председателят на Международния институт за действия по климата на Хърватия Мария Пуйо Тадич и Оливър Рьопке – председател на Европейския икономически и социален комитет. Обръщения ще отправят НКВ Ел Хасан бин Талал принц на Йордания и Даниеле Виолети – старши директор към климатичните програми на ООН.

ЕК с подкрепа за Green Transition Forum 4.0 на още по-високо ниво

Освен тримата комисари, гледната точка на ЕК в отделните панели ще споделят и Курт Вандерберге – генерален директор на ГД „Действия по климата“, Чарлина Вичева – генерален директор на ГД „Морско дело и рибарство“, Марк Льометр – генерален директор на ГД „Научни изследвания и иновации“, Матю Болдуин – заместник генерален директор на ГД „Енергетика“, Илияна Цанова – заместник генерален директор на ГД „Бюджет“, Михаил Димитру – заместник генерален директор на ГД „Земеделие и развитие на селските райони“, Симеона Манова – член на кабинета на комисаря по сближаването и реформите Ферейра и Исидро Ласо – член на кабинета на комисаря по транспорт Валеан.

Президентът Радев ще открие форума, българската позиция ще бъде представена от министри, работодателски организации и синдикати

Президентът Румен Радев ще открие Green Transition Forum 4.0 в 9.00 часа на 26 юни 2024 г. Българската позиция ще представят министри, работодателски организации и синдикати. Домакин на участниците в панела за „Умни градове“ – кмета на Прищина – Препарим Рама и заместник-кмета на Атина – Никос Хрисогелос, ще бъде кметът на София г-н Васил Терзиев. В нарочен панел за възстановяването на Украйна ще говорят президентът на Р България (2012–2017) Росен Плевнелиев, министър-председателят на Румъния (2012–2015) Виктор Понта, заместник-директорът на Енергийната общност Дирк Бушле и главният изпълнителен директор на Украининвест Максим Бондаренко.

Специален акцент върху пазара на труда, новите професии, иновациите и моралните аспекти на AI в третия ден на форума

В тазгодишното издание на форума организаторите акцентират и върху съпътстващите Зелената сделка трансформации – дигитална и демографска. Точно затова, специални гости на събитието са комисарят по заетостта и социалните права Никола Шмит и комисарят по иновациите, научните изследвания, културата, образованието и младежта Илияна Иванова. Към тях се присъединяват Светослава Георгиева – председател на УС на Фонда EIC, Федерико Менна – изпълнителен директор на EIT Digital и Саша Билич – президент на Euritas.

Възможностите за финансиране по европейски програми ще дискутират представители на българската екосистема от стартиращи предприятия на специална кръгла маса с генералния директор на Генерална дирекция „Научни изследвания и иновации“ г-н Марк Льометр.

Програмата на форума и регистрация за участие можете да намерите тук.

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  • 046 Jeffreydix
    26.12.2024 16:21

    driving under the influence laws to Ohio could be intricate, nevertheless it's crucial to provide a solid understanding of them all if people find rates. Driving below some sort of influence of alcohol (DUI) was a severe criminal offenses the can posses notable ramifications on the future. In Ohio, the particular lawful limit for blood stream ethanol content (BAC) is 0.08% for greatest motorists so four percent commercial motorists. If your stopped by legal security services and accused of driving under the influence, they could carryout roadside soberness trials or substance testing, this sort of because breathalyzer or body checks, to establish any level of handicap. Refusing they tests can cause programmed sanctions, including license suspension. DUI offenses in Ohio haul various consequences, depends upon on factors which include before prosecutions, BAC range, and regardless of whether indeed there was going to be an crash or hurt active. Outcomes can add penalties, license suspension system, mandatory alcoholic beverage procedures products, test period, and perhaps prison time. Residual offenses and annoyed factors can result in more major consequences. Employing a knowledgeable DUI safety attorney is vital to navigate the complexities of Ohio dwi statutes. They can possibly examine the indications, concern the lawfulness of the avoid, inquire the truth of reports, and examine potential defensive structure to help mitigate the levies. Aside from that, an law firm can guidelines you to the appropriate process, guaranteeing on your protection under the law are covered and pushing for the ultimate conceivable final result. Remember, being assured pertaining to Ohio's DUI regulations and looking for the support of an experienced personal injury attorney are all-important actions in successfully approaching a DUI bill to shielding ones forthcoming. loan pass fraud lawyer

  • 045 Lindabag
    24.12.2024 15:18

    Steering through a Social Security Disability application steps could be a daunting task for some. The procedure may be elaborate and time intensive, while the likelihood of getting denied are significant. That is where a social security disability legal professional is available in. An attorney makes it possible to navigate the application form process, enhance your likelihood of getting accepted, additionally appeal a denied claim. In this specific article, we shall talk about 5 issues pertaining to the position of a social security disability lawyer. Going through the maze of the Social Security Disability application procedure with the aid of a lawyer The social security disability application process may be confusing as well as daunting. A lawyer makes it possible to comprehend the requirements and make suggestions through the procedure. They could also assist you to gather the required professional medical evidence and paperwork to aid ones request. They could further assist in prepping a person for the hearing, if required. The significance of healthcare evidence in a Social Security Disability claim Medical evidence is essential in a social security disability claim. It is used to show which you currently have a medical condition that stops you against doing work. Legal counsel will allow you to obtain the mandatory medical information and introduce it in a manner that is probably to be established because of the social security organisation. They are able to also assist you to receive medical records as well as other records that maintain your case. Common wrong ideas concerning Social Security Disability and just how a lawyer often helps There are lots of wrong ideas regarding social security disability. For example, lots of people genuinely believe that only those people who are permanently disabled are qualified to receive benefits. Then again, it is not true. A legal professional will allow you to comprehend the eligibility requirements and dispel any misconceptions you have. They can also provide help with simple tips to present your case when you look at the most favorable light. The appeals strategy for waived Social Security Disability cases and exactly how a lawyer can help In the event the claim is denied, there is the directly to appeal. Legal counsel will allow you to comprehend the appeals plan and represent you throughout the hearing. They could also assist you to gather additional evidence and improve a stronger case to boost your chances of success. How to pick the proper Social Security Disability attorney at law for the case It is vital to choose a lawyer who may have past experiences handling social security disability cases. Search for a lawyer who is acquainted with the social security administration's regulations and methods. It's also wise to feel comfortable chatting with them and trust their judgment. Try to find a legal professional who is able to create evident and honest solutions to your questions and offer direction through the duration of the procedure. In summary, a social security disability lawyer can play a vital role into the application and appeals process. They could assist you to go over the method, raise your odds of getting sanctioned, and appeal a refused claim. A legal professional will help you realize the eligibility criteria and drive off any beliefs you might have. It is vital to choose a lawyer who has got experience handling social security disability matters, in accordance with whom you feel safe communicating. if you'd like to find out more about the item content have a look at my very own S.S.A. lawyer website online:   nash disability law firm in Albuquerque

  • 044 Francisgon
    10.12.2024 13:52

    Residing in Orange County or any coastal city adjacent to the ocean comes with numerous perks, however it additionally presents distinct challenges. One such challenge is the potential harm brought on by moisture and humidity towards the drywall within our homes. In this blog article, we will investigate the vitality of quick drywall repair and discuss the specifically targeted considerations for homeowners in OC and different coastal cities. By grasping the hazards and taking proactive measures, residents can ensure the longevity and structural integrity of their homes. Comprehending the Impact of Moisture on Drywall Drywall, a widely used building material employed in interior walls and ceilings, is vulnerable to moisture damage. In coastal areas, the closeness towards the ocean increases the chance because of higher humidity levels and occasional moisture intrusion from the salty air. When moisture filters into drywall, it could cause various dilemmas, including: Fungus and Mildew Growth: Excess moisture forms an ideal environment for mildew and mold to thrive, jeopardizing indoor quality of air and posing health problems. Structural Weakness: Wet drywall undermines and loses its structural integrity, potentially ultimately causing sagging, cracks, and even collapse. Aesthetic harm: dampness destruction often occurs in unsightly stains, effervescent, peeling painting, and structure impairment, diminishing the visual appeal of your house. Quick Drywall Repair: Fighting Added Destruction Repairing drywall promptly is crucial to prevent further damage and minimize restore costs. Delaying repairs can exacerbate existing obstacles, resulting in extra thorough and over-priced restorations. Consider the following factors why timely drywall fixing is essential: Fungus minimization: resolving humidity-related issues swiftly hinders fungus increase and spread, protecting your household's health. Preserving Constructive Trustworthiness : mending battered drywall guarantees the reliability and security of your home, avoiding expected hazards. Stopping additional Damage: Humidity-affected drywall can affect adjoining materials such as insulation and solid timber framing. By mending drywall quickly, it is possible to prevent additional damage and connected improvements. Cost Efficiency: Early detection and repair of drywall issues are increasingly cost-effective than waiting through to the damage comes to be serious. Appropriate treatments conserve you from widespread makeovers and promising relocation costs. Methods for Drywall Regular Maintenance in Seaside Sections Residing close to the beach requires additional management to keep up the strength of the drywall. Here are a few practical strategies for householders in Orange County and seaside metropolitan areas: Repeated reports: Carry out typical visual assessments of the drywall, making time for signs and symptoms of water harm, such as for example blemish, stripping painting, or softer areas. Handling humidity: Use dehumidifiers or air conditioners to control in-house wetness ranges, very for the duration of monsoon conditions. Maintaining venting: Ensure appropriate fresh air in lavatories, kitchen areas, as well as other areas prone to hydration build-up. Install and keep exhaust system fans to remove excess water. Frequently preserving the surface: Consistently scrutinize your home's facade, including the roof top, drains, and room windows, to spot and correct any promising spots of seepage intrusion. Resolving Plumbing leaking: Fix any water lines leaks quick to stop spray from seeping to the wall membrane and resulting drywall impairment. Professional Assistance: Engage veteran technicians for good assessments and problems to address any current or possible drywall troubles. Bottom Line In coastal avenues like Orange County, quick drywall restoration is essential to alleviate the unhealthy aftereffects of moisture content and wetness. By grasping the risks connected with moisture content damage and switching to enthusiastic procedures, household owners may be able to assure the durability, protection, and aesthetic benefit of specific apartments. I highly appreciate the uncovering of this website because of its wealth of valuable information and accurate content. The website.com has proven to be an indispensable resource, supplying essential knowledge on a wide range of subjects. Its thorough collection of information has made it an essential tool for study, education, and keeping up-to-date. I am captivated by the site's dedication to exactness and trustworthiness, making sure that visitors can rely on the knowledge they find. I am eager about recommending this site to my buddies, as it provides a distinctive opportunity to explore and gain a wealth of information effortlessly. I recommend them to visit Mission Viejo CA Perfect Repair and uncover the variety of insights it has to provide.

  • 043 StevenMot
    22.11.2024 05:52

    Your specialist will advise on retaining or disposing specific furniture items. They provide tips for improving the indoor and outside ambiance to attract to possible lookers. Their offerings consist of snapping top-notch images and crafting compelling stories to highlight notable aspects. Additionally, they'll position your advertisement on a leading real estate site. Reasons You'd Might Partner with a Realtor to Hasten The Home Listing 01ef7c9

  • 042 Francisgon
    21.11.2024 06:56

    Dwelling in Orange County or every coastal city adjacent to the ocean is sold with numerous perks, nonetheless it additionally presents unique challenges. One particular challenge is the potential damage brought on by moisture and humidity into the drywall inside our homes. In this blog article, we will delve into the significance of quick drywall repair and discuss the particular considerations for homeowners in OC and various coastal cities. By grasping the risks and taking proactive measures, residents can assure the longevity and structural integrity of their homes. Grasping the Impact of Moisture on Drywall Drywall, a common building material employed in interior walls and ceilings, is vulnerable to moisture damage. In coastal areas, the closeness to your ocean increases the chance due to higher humidity levels and occasional moisture intrusion through the salty air. When moisture seeps into drywall, it could cause various dilemmas, including: Fungus and Mildew Growth: Excess moisture forms a great environment for mold and mildew to thrive, endangering indoor quality of air and posing health risks. Structural Weakness: Wet drywall fragments and loses its structural integrity, potentially resulting in sagging, cracks, and sometimes even collapse. Aesthetical pain: humidity harm often effects in nasty staining, effervescent, shedding paint, and structure damage, lowering the visual appeal of your property. Timely Drywall Restoration: Controlling Supplemental Ruin Restoring drywall promptly is vital to avoid longer damage and minimize restore bills. Stalling repairs intensifies established obstacles, leading to greater comprehensive and costly building work. Consider the next main reasons why quick drywall maintenance is important: Mold minimization: dealing with moisture-related issues quickly keeps fungus increase and distribution, ensuring your household's health. Sustaining Structural Integrity : restoring busted drywall ensures the consistency and security of your property, avoiding capacity hazards. Fighting other Harm: Moisture-damaged drywall may impact abutting materials such as for example insulation and wooden framework. By handling drywall promptly, you can easily avoid additional damage and linked treatments. Cost Efficiency: Early detection and repair of drywall issues are much more cost-effective than waiting until the damage turns out to be severe. Seasonably servicing preserve you against lengthy changes additionally potential evacuation costs. Methods for Drywall Renovation in Seaside Parts Living nearby the seashore demands added attention and care to maintain the reliability of the drywall. Here are some practical strategies for home-owners in OC and coastwise metropolitan areas: Average Inspections: Carry out typical visual review of your drywall, focusing on signs of moisture damage, such as for example yellowing, peeling coating, or very soft spaces. Coping with humidity: Use dryers or air conditioning units to manage interior water level, particularly through damp seasonal changes. Guaranteeing Ventilation: Make sure best venting in restrooms, kitchens, along with other areas susceptible to wet condition escalation. Install and keep exhaust system fans to eliminate accumulated humidity. Frequently retaining the outside: Periodically inspect your property's external, such as the roofing system, drains, and windowpanes, to spot and address any prospective points of wetness breach. Fixing piping leakages: Repair any domestic plumbing leaks rapidly to avoid liquids from seeping in to the structure and making drywall deterioration. Specialized help: Engage dependable general contractors for detailed inspections and treatments to deal with any pre-existing or potential drywall matters. Conclusion In coastal spots like Orange County, quick drywall service is essential to alleviate the poor ramifications of wetness and also wetness. By understanding the potential risks connected with moisture harm and sticking to hands-on measures, people could guarantee the long lifespan, safety, and tasteful benefit of their particular residential homes. I highly appreciate the finding of this website owing to its plenty of invaluable data and factual content. The site has demonstrated to be an indispensable asset, supplying essential knowledge on a wide range of subjects. Its extensive gathering of information has made it an essential resource for investigation, acquiring knowledge, and remaining knowledgeable. 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