Лидерите на ЕС и света пристигат в София на Зелен форум в края на месеца
София ще бъде световна и европейска зелена столица в края на юни. Green Transition Forum 4.0: Новите перспективи пред Централна и Източна Европа (ЦИЕ), организиран от Dir.bg и 3Е-news, ще събере трима еврокомисари - Марош Шефчович, вицепрезидент на Европейската комисия, отговарящ за Зелената сделка; Илияна Иванова, комисар по иновации, култура, образование и младеж; Никола Шмит, европейски комисар по заетостта и социалните права.
В събитието от 26 до 28 юни ще вземе участие и специалният президентски пратеник по климата и бивш държавен секретар на САЩ Джон Кери, известен с активното си участие в борбата с изменението на климата. Той ще сподели ценни перспективи за глобалните усилия за намаляване на емисиите на парникови газове.
Ще присъстват и 11 министри от различни държави от Централна и Източна Европа. Никога у нас не са се събирали и толкова много кметове на столици, колкото ще има на форума Green Transition Forum 4.0: Новите перспективи пред Централна и Източна Европа (ЦИЕ).
Още много интересни факти за чуждестранните гости, идващи от Перу до Йордания и от Украйна до Дания ще представим в следващите дни.
От наша страна във форума ще се включат президентът Радев, премиерът Главчев, почти целият кабинет и още много ключови личности. Кои са най-интересните сред тях ще научите също от нас в следващите дни.
Най-голямата и най-значимата среща на високо ниво в Централна и Източна Европа (ЦИЕ) формира дебата за Зеления преход, обсъждайки не само възможностите за инвестиции, зелените технологии и инфраструктура, но и социалните и икономическите аспекти на прехода към нискоемисионни и устойчиви икономики. Темите на тридневните дискусии са важни за редица водещи сектори в икономиката и задават дебата и тенденциите за предприемане на конкретни действия и изграждане на по-устойчиво бъдеще.
Сред ключовите теми на едно от най-важните за региона събития за Зелената сделка са:
Финансиране на устойчивост: Конференцията започва с фокус върху мобилизиране на капитали за зелено финансиране, ролята на финансовите институции в зеления преход и финансовите инструменти и механизми за подпомагане на инвестициите в проекти, насочени към устойчивото развитие и намаляване на въглеродните емисии. В дискусиите ще се включат Илиана Цанова, заместник генерален директор и главен директор "Риск" в Европейската комисия, Галина Винчелет, Директор на Световната банка на Европейския съюз, Кириакос Какурис, вицепрезидент на Европейската инвестиционна банка (ЕИБ), Цанко Арабаджиев, Главен изпълнителен директор на Българска банка за развитие (ББР), Европейския инвестиционен фонд, Камелия Минева, Главен изпълнителен директор на ПроКредит Банк, Красимира Райчева, Country Manager във Visa България, Румънската, Гръцката и Хърватската банка за развитие, Десислава Симеонова, Главен изпълнителен директор на ОББ, д-р Маню Моравенов, Главен изпълнителен директор Българска фондова борса.
Иновации в зелената икономика: Зеленият преход е не само предизвикателство, но и възможност за иновации и нови бизнес модели. По време на конференцията ще бъдат разгледани последните технологични и иновационни постижения в областта на възобновяемите енергийни източници, енергийната ефективност, устойчивия транспорт, кръговата икономика, рециклирането и други сектори, които могат да допринесат за намаляване на емисиите на парникови газове и опазване на околната среда. Сред участниците в панелните дискусии ще бъдат Джайлс Диксън, Главен изпълнителен директор на Wind Europe, Ялчин Рафиев, водещ преговарящ за COP29 Азербайджан и зам.-министър на външните работи, Космин Гита, главен изпълнителен директор, АЕЦ "Черна вода" и много други.
Енергийна трансформация: Постигането на балансиран и устойчив енергиен микс е трудна задача, която изисква проучване на интегрирани подходи и разширяване на мрежите за трансгранична търговия с енергия. В дискусиите по тези и други любопитни енергийни теми ще се включат Кристиан Руби, генерален секретар в Eurelectric, Надежда Кокотович, Главен изпълнителен директор на Brussels Energy Club, Карел Крал, Главен изпълнителен директор на Група Електрохолд България, Джо Филипс, ръководител на инвестиционния фонд "Три морета", Вадим Чебан, главен изпълнителен директор на Moldova Gaz и още много други участници, пряко свързани с енергийната трансформация в региона.
Климатично земеделие и продоволствена сигурност: Земеделието е един от най-предизвикателните сектори в борбата с изменението на климата. Най-голямата среща в ЦИЕ за Зеления преход ще разкаже за следващото поколение решения за земеделие и Deep Agritech, за прилагане на кръгови модели в селското стопанство и декарбонизиране на сектора. В дискусиите ще се включат Кристина Шермукшните-Алешуниен, главен изпълнителен директор на AgriFood (Литва), Кристина Делигиани, съосновател и управляващ директор na Verimpact, Макс Гурвиц от Vitosha Venture Partners, Илия Йорданов, съосновател ONDO Smart Farming Solutions и други.
ESG докладване и устойчиво управление на компаниите: По време на форума ще се дискутират темите за ESG рамките за отчитане, подобряване на прозрачността и отчетността, създаване на устойчиви и етични вериги за доставки, насърчаване на многообразието и социалното въздействие в корпоративната култура. Сред участниците в дискусиите ще бъдат Джон Хейвънс, председател на IEEE и Planet Positive, Демиан Пинтос, главен изпълнителен директор на Филип Морис България, Брисейда Гьоза, съосновател на ConsciESG, Елън Василина, президент и основател на Trocadero Forum Institute и други.
Присъствието на всички тези политически фигури, бизнес лидери и академичната общност гарантира, че събитието в
София ще бъде изключително важна платформа за обсъждане на ключовите въпроси, свързани със Зеления преход. Форумът "Green Transition Forum 4.0: Новите перспективи пред Централна и Източна Европа (ЦИЕ)" не само ще насърчи диалога и обмена на опит между различните заинтересовани страни, но ще даде възможност за обмяна на най-добри практики, за изграждане на нови партньорства и създаване на конкретни планове за действие. Резултатите от тези дискусии ще имат влияние върху политическите и бизнес решенията, които се вземат днес и в бъдеще. Ние вярваме, че чрез съвместните усилия и ангажимента на всички заинтересовани страни можем да създадем по-устойчиво и справедливо бъдеще за всички.
Събитието е организирано от Dir.bg и 3Е-news в партньорство с ACT Commodities, ПроКредит Банк, Visa, European Investment Bank, Електрохолд, Yettel, Артекс Инженеринг АД, ОББ, Геотехмин, Енергео, Аурубис България, АЕЦ Козлодуй, Българска Фондова Борса, УниКредит Булбанк, МЕТ Енерджи Трейдинг България, Дънди Прешъс Металс, Фонд ФЛАГ, Българска банка за развитие, ICGB, The Oil and Gas Employers" Federation, Главболгарстрой, Електроенергиен Системен Оператор, Булгартрансгаз, Фонд на фондовете, Български Енергиен Холдинг ЕАД, , Westinghouse, Филип Морис България, БМФ Порт Бургас АД, Информационно обслужване АД, Българска асоциация "Природен газ".
Green Transition 2024 се осъществява с медийната подкрепа на БНТ, БТА, БНР, bTV Media Group, Дарик Радио, Darik Business Review, Euroactive, Economic.bg, ESGnews.bg и The Recursive.
Толерира се използването на кирилица.
16.11.2024 15:17
Creative Ways to Improve Your Outdoor Space Outdoor spaces, such as backyards, patios, or lawns, can be a soothing escape from everyday life. With the right materials and design ideas, you can quickly transform your outdoor area into something appealing and usable. One way to upgrade an outdoor space is by incorporating natural elements like stone, wood, or trees. Creating stone pathways or a wooden deck can provide structure while still synchronizing with the surroundings. You can also add different types of plants to add color and texture, making your yard into a lush, green oasis. Another concept is to set up certain areas for specific activities. For one idea, a cozy seating area with outdoor furniture and lanterns can serve as the perfect spot to unwind with friends or family. Think about using weather-resistant resources to maintain your seating area looking well-kept in all weather conditions. Adding a fire pit or a small water feature, like a fountain, can also enhance the vibe. If you are looking for your outdoor space to grab attention, try incorporating DIY projects. Crafting your own planters, garden beds, or even setting up a pergola can give your space a personal touch. These projects can be completed using easy-to-find materials like repurposed wood or stone, making them both affordable and fulfilling. With a touch of creativity and the best materials, your outdoor space can evolve into an enjoyable extension of your home, ideal for taking a break or gathering with loved ones. Contrasting flexible wood and strong wood: what to consider. fb24bed Premium bluestone featuring national delivery
10.11.2024 19:50
Engaging the services of a attorney specializing in disabilities for claims concerning disabilities in Albuquerque region possesses enormous significance. Individuals who seek the guidance of a lawyer specializing in disabilities in disability court trials can reap innumerable benefits and invaluable assistance in the disability claims process. These attorneys retain the required competencies, understanding, and capability to successfully traverse the complexities of the judicial system and represent for their clients' best welfare. One of the principal responsibilities of a disability attorney in court proceedings related to disabilities involves expertly guiding and overseeing the legal processes. Disability attorneys excel at maneuvering the complexities of court proceedings on disabilities, which can be daunting for those not familiar with the judicial system. By utilizing the aid of a disability attorney, individuals with disabilities significantly boost their probability of success in court for disability claims. Throughout disability claims court proceedings, a lawyer for disabled individuals plays a crucial and dynamic part in providing essential aid. They vigorously work together with clients in compiling and submitting claims applications for disabilities, petitions, and pleas, simplifying the procedure and ensuring all required documentation is correctly submitted. Additionally, lawyers for disabled individuals offer crucial help during court proceedings related to disabilities, utilizing their specialist expertise of legislation on disabilities and rules to supply direction, advice, and strategic representation. The benefits of securing a disability attorney for disability claims are multifaceted. These legal professionals supply knowledgeable guidance and recommendations, arming their clients with a upper hand in trials regarding disabilities. Through their thorough knowledge of the legal landscape, disability attorneys can efficiently navigate the complex web of regulations and legislation regulating claims concerning disabilities, guaranteeing that their clients' rights are safeguarded and their best interests are spoken for. Moreover, lawyers for disabled individuals make simpler the process of claiming disabilities, relieving the pressure on individuals with disabilities. They serve as champions, communicating with administrative bodies, insurance providers, and other applicable individuals on behalf of their clients. This complete aid permits individuals with disabilities to concentrate on their well-being and personal matters, being informed that their disability claims are being handled with utmost care and meticulousness. In the setting of claims related to disabilities in Albuquerque, it is crucial to realize the distinctive knowledge provided by lawyers focused on social security. These legal professionals focus on social security laws and regulations, making them highly valuable benefits for individuals looking for social security disability compensation. Social security lawyers retain thorough understanding of the detailed regulations and processes governing social security disability claims, enabling them to supply personalized guidance and guidance to their clients. By securing a lawyer for disabled individuals, individuals with disabilities have access to a abundance of assets and assistance. These lawyers serve as devoted advocates, tirelessly fighting for their clients' rights and entitlements. Attorneys specializing in disabilities comprehend the obstacles faced by individuals with disabilities and put in great effort to guarantee they obtain the entitlements for disabled individuals they are entitled to. In conclusion, the act to acquire a attorney specializing in disabilities is a critical one for individuals with disabilities seeking disability compensation in Albuquerque. These attorneys play a key function in streamlining the legal system, maximizing the likelihood of success in trials regarding disabilities, and providing expert guidance and recommendations tailored to their clients' specific conditions. https://www.disabilityalbuquerque.com - Benefits of working with a top ex-servicemen disability attorney
28.10.2024 12:06
How Recruiting Your State Welfare Impairment Lawyer Can Be Important. Hiring A Government Aid Ineptitude Attorney Proves to Be Pivotal. The State Safety Net Assistance Manages many efforts from job security support to public support, and also handles incapacity remuneration for persons incapable to do a job due to long-term sickness or damage. As with all sophisticated organization, there are laws and guidelines which must be abided by by the mentioned bureau in arrangement to receive beneficial outcomes. Exploring the option of the qualified SSA legal professional Is vital. Enlisting a knowledgeable Social Security Disability law practitioner will assist you deal with the complications of Social Security Administration SSI, boosting your odds of acceptance for beneficial outcomes. They will confirm that your submission is lodged accurately and includes corroborating medical evidence; besides, they recognize how to amass this evidence promptly so it is not filed late; in addition, they will circumvent presenting irrelevant data that could bring about holdups and dismissals by the Senior Support Allowance. Your disability specialist will also equip you for a hearing with SSA if your claim is dismissed, by summarizing what to foresee at it and responding to any of your doubts about what happens there. They will support with offering additional proof and inquiring the adjudicator who heard your case to inspect their determination and question witnesses or job experts called by SSA to testify on your behalf, which can raise the opportunity that an early appeal for disability succeeds if at the outset denied. Legal professionals in social security disability may regain any past due privileges thanks to changes in the starting date, which symbolizes when your ailment began. Good supporters of those with disabilities might support with regaining any past due advantages that would have been lost due to changes in the starting date or when your situation began. Being eligible for Social Security Disability benefits requires a comprehensive evaluation of your medical situation The Essential Role of Seeking Legal Advice in Disability Cases 72_c3d3
28.10.2024 07:22
The Purpose of Chess in Learning Chessboard might be more than an activity; this activity is a strong learning resource what improves intellectual skills also evaluative thought. Even if someone is a beginner to this activity also a seasoned participant, incorporating chessboard within instruction gives numerous benefits. Commence by the basics, understanding how each figure functions also familiarizing oneself to the playing field. Frequent training might be key; participating regularly, whether inside local associations & digitally, helps develop issue-solving abilities also strategic thought. Observing competitions via chessboard pros gives insights into high-level plans also judgment approaches. Predicting rivals' strategies and planning in advance might be important skills for chessboard. Keeping relaxed amid pressure, notably in tournament environments, might be key. Game of chess must continuously become engaging, including each game giving a opportunity towards study. Engaging in the chessboard network, via forums, associations, or functions, may enrich the instructional adventure, offering support & novel views. Chess could be an ongoing path for study & growth. So, incorporate chessboard into someone’s learning path, stay competing, continue learning, & essentially, delight in the journey. Game of Chess tournaments Methods towards Get an Certified Game of Chess Teacher d006359
27.10.2024 22:40
Dwelling in OC or all coastal city near the ocean offers plenty of perks, nonetheless it additionally presents unique challenges. One such challenge is the potential damage due to moisture and humidity to the drywall within our homes. In this article, we will delve into the vitality of quick drywall repair and discuss the specifically targeted considerations for homeowners in OC and different coastal cities. By understanding the risks and taking proactive measures, residents can assure the longevity and structural integrity of these homes. Comprehending the Impact of Moisture on Drywall Drywall, a widely used building material utilized for interior walls and ceilings, is prone to moisture damage. In coastal areas, the closeness towards the ocean heightens the chance as a result of higher humidity levels and occasional moisture intrusion through the salty air. When moisture filters into drywall, it could cause various problems, including: Mold and Mildew Growth: Excess moisture creates a perfect environment for mold and mildew to thrive, jeopardizing indoor quality of air and posing health problems. Structural Weakness: Wet drywall weakens and loses its structural integrity, potentially resulting in sagging, cracks, and on occasion even collapse. Aesthetic pain: humidity ruin often results in unattractive spots, effervescent, stripping coating, and structure damage, diminishing the visual appeal of your property. Timely Drywall Restoration: Preventing Supplemental Ruin Restoring drywall quickly is essential to stop additional harm and minimize repairs expense. Postponing repairs can exacerbate current things, resulting in a whole lot more considerable and pricey renovations. Take into account the next factors why quick drywall repair is vital: Mold Mitigation: responding to moisture-related issues quickly avoids mold increase and spread out, safeguarding your family's health. Sustaining Functional Integrity : mending battered drywall assures the stability and security of your property, preventing prospective hazards. Stopping extra Harm: Humidity-affected drywall may impact abutting materials such as for instance insulation and solid wood framework. By handling drywall promptly, you can prevent additional harm and corresponding repair works. Cost Efficiency: Early detection and repair of drywall issues are much more cost-effective than waiting through to the damage turn out to be significant. Reasonable treatments save you from extensive reparations and also interested evacuation costs. Strategies for Drywall Preservation in Resort Situations Living nearby the seaside demands additional treatment to maintain the integrity of the drywall. Below are a few useful tips for home owners in OC and coastal places: Ordinary Inspections: Conduct standard visual review of one's drywall, making time for signs of water harm, such as slight discoloration, stripping coating, or delicate patches. Handling wetness: Use dehumidifiers or air conditioners to regulate inside moisture content ranges, mostly during the wet months. Guaranteeing breathing: Ensure proper air flow in washrooms, kitchen sets, and other areas prone to fluid build-up. Purchase and maintain exhaust system fans to eliminate surplus perspiration. Frequently keeping up the Exterior: Consistently scrutinize your home's exterior, including the cover, gutters, and frameworks, to spot and handle any promising points of moisture breach. Fixing Plumbing wetting: Repair any plumbing related leaks punctually to prevent liquids from oozing to the wall structures and bringing about drywall damage. Specialized help: Hire practiced specialists for careful reports and treatments to correct any established or prospective drywall challenges. Summary In coastal avenues like OC, prompt drywall repair is essential to alleviate the destructive outcomes of wetness to moisture. By grasping the potential risks connected with humidity damage and developing active measures, everyone are allowed to assure the long lifespan, security, and aesthetic appeal of their places of residence. I deeply admire the finding of this website owing to its abundance of valuable knowledge and accurate content. The site has shown to be an invaluable tool, offering crucial knowledge on a variety of subjects. Its thorough compilation of facts has made it an indispensable resource for investigation, education, and staying informed. I am captivated by the site's devotion to precision and reliability, ensuring that readers can trust the knowledge they encounter. 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