МААЕ е изгубила контакт със системите за следене и в Запорожката АЕЦ в Украйна

Запорожката АЕЦ в Украйна

Свързани новини

10.03.2022 11:07 7 | Прочетена (1410)

Международната агенция за атомна енергия (МААЕ) съобщи, че е загубила контакт сдистанционните системи, които следят ядрения материал в Запорожката атомна централа в Украйна, съобщи Ройтерс.

Запорожката АЕЦ е най-голямата атомна централа в Европа и е в ръцете на Русия от миналата седмица, когато в сграда близо до централата избухна пожар след сраженията между руски и украински сили.

Ден по-рано МААЕ съобщи, че системите за следене на ядрени материали в съоръженията за радиоактивни отпадъци в Чернобил са спрели да предават данни към надзорния орган на ООН за ядрена безопасност. АЕЦ Чернобил, където през 1986 г. стана най-голямата ядрена авария в света, бе превзета от руските сили миналия месец.

Двете атомни централи се управляват от украински персонал при условия, които според МААЕ застрашават безопасността на съоръженията.

Ръководителят на МААЕ Рафаел Гроси каза, че е притеснен от внезапното спиране на потока от данни от двете централи към организацията, базирана във Виена. МААЕ посочва, че остава неясно на какво се дължи това. Предаването на информация от другите атомни централи на Украйна продължава.


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  • 002 Francis Zimpel
    17.03.2022 06:21

    Nutritional Products International works with product manufacturers worldwide that want to launch new health and wellness products. That is our expertise. Whether the company is a start-up or one that has been in business for decades, NPI has the knowledge and experience to guide them from shipping to placing their products onto retail shelves. As senior account executive for business development for NPI, I work daily with brands that have developed innovative products. But these companies haven’t entered the U.S. market, which is where NPI, a global brand management company based in Boca Raton, FL., comes in. We make it simple for you by becoming your U.S. headquarters. You don’t have to hire a staff, rent office space, market your brand, find a warehouse, or deal with the Food & Drug Administration. Through a one-stop, turnkey platform called the “Evolution of Distribution,” NPI gives you all the expertise and services you need to launch your product line here. We import, distribute, and market your product line. NPI, along with its sister company, InHealth Media, collaboratively work to market your products to consumers and retailers throughout the U.S. For more information, please reply to this email or contact me at gcohen@nutricompany.com . Respectfully, Kind Regards, Gary, Gary Cohen Business Development Account Representative Nutritional Products International 150 Palmetto Park Blvd., Suite 800 Boca Raton, FL 33432 Office: 561-544-0719 gcohen@nutricompany.com

  • 001 Monty Holzman
    12.03.2022 00:07

    Nutritional Products International works with product manufacturers worldwide that want to launch new health and wellness products. That is our expertise. Whether the company is a start-up or one that has been in business for decades, NPI has the knowledge and experience to guide them from shipping to placing their products onto retail shelves. As senior account executive for business development for NPI, I work daily with brands that have developed innovative products. But these companies haven’t entered the U.S. market, which is where NPI, a global brand management company based in Boca Raton, FL., comes in. We make it simple for you by becoming your U.S. headquarters. You don’t have to hire a staff, rent office space, market your brand, find a warehouse, or deal with the Food & Drug Administration. Through a one-stop, turnkey platform called the “Evolution of Distribution,” NPI gives you all the expertise and services you need to launch your product line here. We import, distribute, and market your product line. NPI, along with its sister company, InHealth Media, collaboratively work to market your products to consumers and retailers throughout the U.S. For more information, please reply to this email or contact me at gcohen@nutricompany.com . Respectfully, Kind Regards, Gary, Gary Cohen Business Development Account Representative Nutritional Products International 150 Palmetto Park Blvd., Suite 800 Boca Raton, FL 33432 Office: 561-544-0719 gcohen@nutricompany.com

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